Advising & Student Success Teams
Help Every Student Not Only Succeed But Thrive
Access Student Information in One Place
Consolidate student information into a comprehensive profile. Coordinate student care across campus with centralized notes and academic alerts.
Easily Prioritize Student Engagement
Monitor individual or groups of students to prioritize and organize outreach. Quickly send communications or schedule appointments from automated student lists.
Simplify Course Enrollment
Collaborate with students on degree plans and class schedules to ease registration. Inform outreach efforts based on real-time student planning and scheduling behavior.
Understand the Whole Student
See actionable insights like which students might not persist or graduate and why. Inform proactive guidance with the critical information you need in one place, including holds, financial aid status, course history, advising notes, and engagement opportunities.

Prioritize Engagement to Scale Proactive Support
Automatically identify a list of students to engage throughout the term based on factors such as a change in persistence likelihood or unfinished schedules to make an impact before it’s too late.
Personalize Outreach to Improve Effectiveness
Communicate with students in scalable and personalized ways. Determine which channels are most effective for particular students to improve engagement and take action within the same system.

Eliminate Inefficiencies, Ease Capacity Challenges
Equip your advising and student success teams with intelligent case management tools like dynamic lists and shared notes to efficiently use their time. Empower them to quickly complete everyday tasks and organize their workday.
Coordinate Student Care Across Departments
Share notes, raise alerts, and coordinate student care across leadership, advisors, faculty, and student success teams with seamless collaboration capabilities.

Collaborate on Academic Plans with Students
Collaborate with students on degree plans and class schedules to accommodate academic goals, co-curricular activities, and personal commitments. Monitor degree planning and registration activity to prioritize outreach and tailor guidance based on student needs.
One Platform to Improve Multiple Student Outcomes



& Support
Related Resources

4 Challenges Derailing Academic Advisor Effectiveness (And How to Fix Them)
Explore common barriers to advising effectiveness that may stand in the way of significant gains in student success at your institution.

Customer Stories
Integrated Approach to Student Success Leads to 8% Retention Lift at Northwest Missouri State University
Discover how an integrated holistic approach to student success led to retention gains.

Proactive Student Support Starter Kit
A step-by-step, data-informed workflow to help your team deliver personalized, holistic support at scale.
Explore the Student Impact Platform