Coordinate Student Care

Work Together to Improve Student Outcomes

Create a shared understanding of the student experience and align student care in one platform to provide the right support at the right time.
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Empower the Entire Institution to Help Students Thrive

Institutional Leaders

Identify and invest in the right combination of strategies, align efforts & reduce inefficiencies to improve student outcomes.

Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Equip stakeholders across campus with the necessary information to coordinate decisions & actions.

Academic Deans & Faculty

Seamlessly collaborate with advisors & other support professionals to connect students to the resources they need.

Advising & Student Success Teams

Coordinate proactive engagement efforts across teams to avoid redundant services & scale holistic support.

Enable Precise Action with Actionable Insights

Combine multiple student data sources to generate actionable insights from models built for your institution. Understand what influences outcomes on your campus, which students need support and why, and evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts across different student outcomes.

Align Teams with Centralized Information

View a comprehensive student profile to better understand the factors influencing student outcomes. Equip leaders and frontline staff to filter, segment, and easily reference data throughout the term to make data accessible and actionable.

Coordinate Student Care Across Departments

Provide a shared view of student information, track outreach, share notes, raise alerts, and coordinate student care across leaders, advisors, faculty, and student service teams with seamless collaboration capabilities.

Amplify What Works for Students

Equip leaders to understand the impact of initiatives, courses, programs, and policies on specific student segments. Develop impactful strategies, understand how changes boost engagement, help students progress faster toward their degrees, and increase initiative ROI.

One Platform to Improve Multiple Student Outcomes


Turn student data into real-time insights to identify success factors and effective interventions to improve outcomes for individual students and groups. Evaluate the impact of policies, initiatives, and courses to create strategies to equip your students to thrive.
Explore Analytics


Apply insights and share comprehensive student information to align cross-functionally and support students across their journey. View reports, share notes, raise alerts, and coordinate care across campus. Streamline daily workloads and enable proactive action.
Explore Workflows

& Support

Improve student outcomes with strategic services, user training, account support, and connection with the Civitas Learning community. Partner with former higher education practitioners to design and implement a success plan to reach your institutional goals.
Explore Support

Explore the Student Impact Platform

Connect with our team to learn how Civitas Learning can help your institution apply its data to enhance the student outcomes that matter most.
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