Smooth the Pathway to Graduation
Clarify and ease the path to on-time graduation with an end-to-end academic planning, scheduling, and registration experience.

Remove Systemic Barriers to Completion
Academic Planning and Student Scheduling streamline the registration experience by helping students know where they’re going and how to get there. End-to-end planning, scheduling, and registration tools enable advisors and students to work together throughout the academic planning process. Student-centered scheduling capabilities make it easy to enroll in classes that fit with students’ complex lives to support graduating on time and within budget.

Academic Planning & Student Scheduling Solution Walkthrough
Watch the demo to see how to collaborate on a shared planning canvas, automatically generate best-fit schedules, and register in one user experience to remove barriers to completion.

Ease the Student Academic Journey:

Collaborate on Academic Plans with Students
Collaborate on a shared academic planning canvas, monitor adjustments, and communicate directly with students to align choices with advisor recommendations.

Reveal Barriers to On-time Completion
Identify barriers to on-time completion by receiving alerts for issues like duplicate courses, missing prerequisites or corequisites, or courses not typically offered in the planned term.

View Holistic Course Histories
Track graduation progress with a clear view of completed, transferred, and remaining course requirements, multiple plan options, and the ability to add non-course items.

Use Plans to Automatically Generate Student Schedules
Auto-generate all potential schedules and compare schedule options based on academic plans, breaks like part-time work or commutes, and preferences within the same user experience.

Proactively Engage Based on Student Planning & Scheduling Behaviors
Guide students who need help with registration throughout the term, like first-term students without an academic plan or students who’ve built a schedule but haven’t registered.
Build a Student Support Ecosystem
Academic Planning and Student Scheduling are even more impactful when paired with these Civitas Learning solutions:

Course Demand Analytics
Ensure class availability for students while balancing institutional resources. Understand historical course trends, accurately plan for future course demand, and adjust nimbly with real-time insight into enrollment patterns. Pair with Academic Planning and Student Scheduling to remove even more barriers to completion by offering the courses, sections, and modalities students need.
Learn More
Advising Analytics & Workflow
Deliver proactive and personalized academic advising and student success services at scale. With comprehensive information and actionable analytics integrated into workflow tools, advisors and support teams can streamline day-to-day work, align strategies, prioritize tasks, and intervene earlier to support students. Pair with Academic Planning and Student Scheduling to streamline registration advising, freeing more time for holistic student support.
Learn MoreOur Partners Turn Insights into Outcomes
TAMIU Sees Retention & Graduation Gains with Easy Course Scheduling
Now more than ever, it’s important for student success staff to connect with their students on a personal level and provide individualized support calibrated to the needs of each student.
Texas A&M-San Antonio Improves New Student Orientation with Quicker, Smarter Scheduling
New student orientation course scheduling process overwhelmed students, prevented advisors from having meaningful student interactions, and made it harder to manage classroom space and observe bottlenecks in class scheduling effectively.
Ready to Remove Systemic Barriers to Completion?
Learn more about how Civitas Learning can help you create a streamlined registration experience.