Thank you for connecting with us at the AACRAO Annual Meeting

April 7 – 10, 2024   •   Columbus, OH

Civitas Learning helps higher education institutions improve student outcomes through data-activated decision-making and collaboration.

Intelligent student success software equips teams with real-time insights and workflow solutions to support the entire student lifecycle, enabling leaders to implement strategies that improve retention and graduation rates and promote the financial health of their institutions.

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Partner Presentation


Ease Enrollment Challenges with Student-Centered Scheduling and Registration

The need to lift enrollment and retention is only increasing, and institutions must continue to identify and remove friction points in the enrollment and registration process. A recent Civitas Learning analysis revealed that institutions can boost persistence by 5-7% by simply making it easier for students to create conflict-free schedules.

In this session, Civitas Learning partner Jacksonville State University shared how they prioritized creating a seamless student-centered scheduling process and academic advising initiatives to empower students and remove barriers to enrollment.

Emily White
Jacksonville State University

Heidi Musick
Director of Operations – Customer Development
Civitas Learning

Download the presentation slides

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Course Demand Analytics

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Lessons Learned from Student Success Redesign

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Thumbnail for Civitas Learning partner success story: Streamlined Registration Process Boosts Enrollment at Jacksonville State University


Streamlined Registration Process Boosts Enrollment

Jacksonville State University improved enrollment and retention by streamlining the registration experience, strengthening student success and advisor-student interactions.

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