Support On-Time Graduation

Help Your Students Graduate On-Time & Within Budget

Identify barriers preventing students from completing degrees on time, pinpoint course bottlenecks, deliver student-centered course offerings & simplify the enrollment experience.
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Enable Your Entire Institution to Support On-Time Completion

Executive Leaders

Optimize curriculum, forecast course demand, & amplify the impact of initiatives, policies, & programs to remove barriers to enrollment.

Deans & Faculty

Address curricular barriers, allocate resources, raise alerts, & communicate within one system to collaborate with other teams easily.

Advising & Success Teams

Provide holistic support, identify what impacts student success & prioritize engagement throughout the term.


Equip students to stay on track and balance life with academics with collaborative degree planning & scheduling.

Understand Student Outcome Risks Earlier

Identify students at risk for specific outcomes earlier, such as those unlikely to thrive, succeed academically, or graduate on time. Understand the reasons for these outcomes for each student and for student groups, based on predictive AI models developed for your institution.

Identify Curricular Bottlenecks

Understand which courses may negatively impact graduation for specific students to inform targeted interventions and curriculum sequencing.

Monitor Course Fill Rates

Respond to course demand in real-time by tracking which sections are filling fastest and identifying the most popular modalities, days, and times.

Creating Clear Pathways to On-time Completion with Course Demand Forecasting

Accurately Forecast Course Demand

Offer the right courses and sections, helping students graduate on time while reducing spending on under-enrolled classes. .

Improve the Impact of Initiatives & Policies

Understand the impact of initiatives on specific student segments, allowing your team to adjust communications and make timely program changes that boost engagement and help students progress faster toward their degrees.

Streamline the Registration Experience

Provide an end-to-end registration experience that empowers students to manage their degree planning, course scheduling, and registration while enabling collaboration with advisors to support on-time graduation.

Find the Best Fit Schedule

Create degree plans and class schedules that accommodate academic goals, co-curricular activities like athletics or student committees, and personal commitments, ensuring a more effective path to graduation.

Prioritize Student Support

Monitor degree planning and registration activity to prioritize outreach and tailor guidance based on student needs.


Avoid Roadblocks in Degree Planning

Students and advisors receive real-time alerts to potential enrollment issues such as missing prerequisites or unavailable courses for scheduling.

“With a streamlined experience and registration process, course scheduling during advising sessions is faster. This allows more time for advisors to engage with the students on mission-focused topics, such as different degrees and faster graduation routes.”

Juan Gilberto Garcia

Vice President for Enrollment Management
Texas A&M International University

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One Platform to Improve Multiple Student Outcomes


Turn student data into real-time insights to identify success factors and effective interventions to improve outcomes for individual students and groups. Evaluate the impact of policies, initiatives, and courses to create strategies to equip your students to thrive.
Explore Analytics


Apply insights and share comprehensive student information to align cross-functionally and support students across their journey. View reports, share notes, raise alerts, and coordinate care across campus. Streamline daily workloads and enable proactive action.
Explore Workflows

& Support

Improve student outcomes with strategic services, user training, account support, and connection with the Civitas Learning community. Partner with former higher education practitioners to design and implement a success plan to reach your institutional goals.
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Explore the Student Impact Platform

Connect with our team to learn how Civitas Learning can help your institution apply its data to enhance the student outcomes that matter most.
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