Civitas Learning Student Success Impact Report   |   2024

Data-Activated Strategies: Uncovering What Works to Advance Student Success

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Each year, we conduct a meta-analysis of Initiative Analyses run by our partner institutions to determine the impact of their success initiatives on persistence. For this installment, we examined long-term and recent practices that are moving the needle on persistence to graduation.

The full report shares many findings ranging from tried-and-true to emerging approaches that are improving student retention. Impact is measured using the percentage-point (PP) lift that each type of initiative had on persistence, a leading indicator of student success.

Here we share a few highlights from our community:

  • Many best practices continue to have an impact
  • A streamlined registration experience matters
  • Proactive student engagement is critical
  • Different students benefit from different services
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Top Student Success Initiatives
2023 vs. 2024


3 Highest Impact Student Success Initiatives
2023 vs. 2024

We found that many top practices from last year’s analysis continue to have a significant impact on student persistence in 2024.

However, this year, helping students successfully navigate their academic experience emerged as the top priority.

This involved:

  • Removing barriers to academic performance by providing resources
  • Supporting academic progress by offering guidance along the academic pathway
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Streamlined Registration Experience Removes Barriers to Enrollment


Streamlined Registration Experience

Analysis of the impact of degree planning and student scheduling on persistence reveals that the registration experience matters.

A streamlined registration experience:

  • Helps students understand the pathway to graduation by involving them in regular degree planning
  • Simplifies the registration process by making it easy for students to auto-generate best-fit class schedules
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Proactive Engagement & Communication Connect Students to Just-In-Time Support


Proactive Engagement & Communication

Analysis of 2023 data from our partner institutions shows that proactive student engagement continues to be a critical factor in student persistence.

Our partners delivering proactive support at scale:

  • By gathering data about which students
    are most likely to benefit from support
  • By developing strategies that target these populations to focus outreach efforts and resources.
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Different Populations Benefit from Different Kinds of Support


Most Impactful Student Engagement Activities

One of the most effective ways our partners encourage persistence to graduation is by taking a tailored approach that connects students to the best intervention for them.

By targeting their student success services and supports, institutions can:

  • Transition one-size-fits-all student success methods, instead targeting how they market their offerings, organize their programs, and engage their students
  • Maximize their investment by ensuring that interventions reach the right students
  • Achieve cumulative benefits from their student success programs, with the capability to measure how different students respond to programs over time and adjust accordingly.
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