Podcast Developing a Proactive Response to Enrollment Decline with Philip Hunt Discover how North Dakota State University revamped its course planning and advising methods to enhance enrollment and retention.
Podcast Integrating Data Systems to Improve Student Outcomes with Chris Campbell Hear how DeVry University’s unified technology systems equip data-activated decision-making and holistic student support.
Podcast Using Technology to Streamline the Student Experience with Dustin Ramsdell Hear how institutions are reshaping their offerings to support a new generation of students with edtech thought leader Dustin Ramsdell.
Podcast Building an Appreciative Campus with Dr. Jenny Bloom Hear how leaders can expand their Appreciative Education methods beyond advising to create an Appreciative Campus
Podcast Advising Diverse Students Online and in Person with Dr. Jeffrey Taylor Hear how the University of Texas at Arlington fosters connectedness with its online students through relational and proactive advising.
Podcast Delivering Holistic Support at a Large Urban Community College District with Dr. Ruth Reinhart Hear how Austin Community College provides holistic support with proactive advising, faculty and staff collaboration and connected student success technology.
Podcast Creating a Unified Student Success Culture With Dr. Allison Hoffmann Hear how Northwest Missouri State University is creating a proactive student success culture through technology and collaboration.
Podcast Partnering with Institutional Research to Improve Student Outcomes with Dr. Steve Wilkerson and Dr. Tammy Wyatt Hear how the UTSA Student Success Team works closely together with Institutional Research to improve student outcomes.
Podcast Improving Community College Enrollment and Completion with Dr. Marisa Vernon White Hear how Lorain County Community College uses data-informed practice at all institutional levels to drive improved outcomes.