Infographic The Cost of One-Size-Fits-All Student Success Explore how a shift to data-activated student success practices can help higher ed institutions navigate serious challenges to their traditional way of doing business.
Guide Advising & Student Success Playbook Evidence-based practices to help academic advising teams use data analytics to improve course success, persistence, and on-time completion.
Report Community Insights Report: What Matters Most for Equity Explore emerging trends from more than 300 student success initiatives and their impact on different student groups.
Infographic How Student Success Initiatives Are Closing Achievement Gaps Explore how policies, programs, and practices impact student retention across different student groups at a variety of colleges and universities.
E-Book Civitas Learning Equity Playbook Discover key evidence-based practices, considerations, and strategies that Civitas Learning partners use to achieve more equitable outcomes for all students.
Whitepaper Addressing Questions About Bias in Predictive Modeling Learn more about predictive modeling in general and the factors that go into the models that Civitas Learning creates.